
Showing posts with the label #Genderequality

Gender Inequality Cost Africa $95 million Annually: AFDB to Strengthen Commitment to Gender Equality

Daily Rendezvous Bank Director for Women, Gender and Civil Society at Finance in Common summit online panel highlighted the Bank’s commitment to achieving gender equality Under the theme "Development Banks as Actors for Change towards Gender Equality," the African Development Bank’s  Director for Gender, Women and Civil Society, Vanessa Moungar, joined high-level representatives from global financial institutions, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and UN Women in signing a joint declaration on gender equality to strengthen their commitment at all levels. The declaration was one highlight of a Finance in Common summit panel, hosted virtually by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) during the Paris Peace Forum on 12 November. Panel organizers said gender inequality costs sub-Saharan Africa $95 million each year.  Director Moungar and other panelists addressed the critical role and impact of public-private development banks in achieving gender equality for ...