North East Govs Forum, Decries Low Electricity Supply in Region, Calls for Revival of Mambila Hydropower Project (Full Text)

CDaily Rendezvous COMMUNIQUE ISSUED AT THE END OF THE 7th MEETING OF THE NORTH-NORTHEAST GOVERNOR'S’ FORUM (NEGF) HELD IN GOMBE, GOMBE STATE, FRIDAY, 16th- SEPTEMBER, 2022. Preamble The Northeast Governors’ Forum (NEGF), comprising of the Governors of Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno Gombe, Taraba and Yobe States, held its 7th meeting in Gombe, Gombe State. It expressed delight at the growing strength of the cooperation, collaboration and cordial relationship between the Governors of the 6 States of the region. It reiterated its commitment to foster a common ground and pursue collective course for the benefit of the region. After exhaustive deliberations, it resolved and presents the following Communique: 1. The Forum, lauded President Muhammadu Buhari and the security agencies for the effort in combating the Boko haram insurgency. It noted the improvement in the security situation in the region which had largely been achieved through kinetic and non-kinetic measure...