1.2 Million People in Need of Mine Action in Northeast Nigeria - Explosive Devices Prevent Access to Critical Humanitarian Aid for Residents -OCHA
Daily Rendezvous Since its deployment in July 2018 at the request of the Resident / Humanitarian Coordinator, UNMAS Nigeria has provided critical life-saving assistance. The main objectives are to develop the national capacities to protect the civilians from the threats of mines and explosives, and to mitigate immediate threats for the vulnerable population in the North-east. The activities include coordination, risk reduction, victim assistance, nontechnical survey, and capacity development for the national and state authorities as well as a civil organization. As of 28th February 2022, UNMAS Nigeria has achieved the following outputs. - Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE). EORE is designed to raise awareness on explosive hazards and enhance safe behaviour. UNMAS has coordinated EORE for 1,251,155 (242,225 men, 280,903, women, 394,960 boys and 331,976 girls) beneficiaries across northeast Nigeria. - UNMAS has also conducted EORE tra...