C-CAGE Decries Lack of Safe Learning Space for The Girl-child - Hidden Charges, Lack of Access WASH Driving girl-child Further Away from School - Covid-19 Might Deepen Girl-child School Enrollment Crisis in Northeast
Daily Rendezvous The Community Led Collective Action for Girls' Education (C-CAGE) says, an urgent intervention is needed in schools in the northeast for the provision of water, hygiene and toilet facilities in order to mitigate the girl-child's chances of dropping out of school. The group says there are chances that over 20 million girls might drop out of school due to the impact of Covid-19, hence all stakeholders need to work together to address the social, cultural and systemic factors inhibiting the girl-child's access to esucation in the north east, Nigeria. The group says, it has worked with relevant bodies to train 275 Education stakeholders, and that it has created 16 safe spaces for girls in Adamawa which has led to about 960 enrollments of girls to school saying these safe spaces have made it possible for about 606 in-school and out-of-school girls to be engaged in peer Learning and experience sharing. This was made known in a press statem...