
Showing posts with the label Chief Maurice Vunobolki

Congratulations to Chief Dr. Maurice Vunobolki, The Dyapa Bachama

Daily Rendezvous Written By Veno M Yongo Some titles and names were and are given to fulfill some exigencies. Yours the favorite one, Chief Dr. Maurice Vunobolki PhD, Dyapa Bachama was thought through and completely necessary especially at this critical period of Bachama Kingdom's renaissance with a pragmatic and progressive Leader on the throne.  Of course, His Majesty knew very well in his innate God's given beautiful wisdom that no one around would have been completely fit for this title except His Excellency Dr. Vunobolki.  There is no doubt that your title as the Dyapa Bachama is the most deserving of all. A hearty congratulation Nzo Murei Da Bagon, Kada Jene. Go in His strength and wisdom and win more laurels for humanity's progress. Bachama kingdom is proud of you; Bware home and diaspora are proud of you and of course Jenye (Jene) world wide are most proud of you. Respectfully written by: Veno Micloth Yongo for and on behalf of Jenye (Jene) Imburu.