The Tinubu-Shetima Foundation has on Thursday 18/04/24 in Yola, called for unity of purpose and strong commitment to the ideals of a progressive society and improving the livelihood of the populace.
Rising from its first general meeting which held at Dantsoho Hotel in Yola the capital of Adamawa State, the foundation's chairman Hon. Hammanjulde Yaya stressed the need for unity of purpose and the need for members to have a common goal towards making Adamawa State better than it is today. He further stated that the Tinubu Shettima presidency is poised to ensuring economic prosperity and security to all Nigerians.
Hammanjulde stressed the need for members to embrace the programs and interventions of the foundation which is all inclusive and geared towards improving both members and the general society.
On his part, the secretary of the foundation, Hon. Julius Kadala underscored the need to be strategic in implementing effective programs that will affect the people at the grassroots positively and ensuring a change from the norm.
The foundation unanimously commiserated with traders who lost their means of livelihood and goods worth millions of Naira at the fire incidence that engulfed more than half of the market at Yola South local government. They called on the Adamawa State Government to not resort to cosmetics but genuinely profer a lasting solution to the incessant fire outbreaks at the market.
The meeting was attended by memebers of the foundation drawn from the 21 Local Government areas of the State.
It can be recalled that the Tinubu Shettima Foundation was founded in the year 2023 by a group of like minds who believe in the leadership style and policies of the Tinubu-Shettima ticket and are determined to support the administration at the federal level with the aim of ensuring that the dividend of democracy reach the grassroots.
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